Lease Pull-Ahead

Q - Why should I look into Pulling Ahead out of my Lease?

A - You may want to consider a Lease Pull Ahead when one or more of the following items are true:

♦ You would like to potentially lower your monthly payment.
♦ You've gone over your allotted miles. 
♦ You haven't gone over your miles yet, but you will before the lease terminates.
♦ Your lifestyle has changed and your current vehicle is no longer a fit.
♦ You are simply ready for something new.
♦ $2000 of Cadillac’s’ money to use towards replacing your car.

Q. How many monthly payments does a typical Lease Pull Ahead program take care of?

A. A typical Lease Pull Ahead program is structured to cover a predetermined number of remaining payments, with a maximum value on those payments. Call me and I will go over specifics.

Q. Do I have to actually turn in my vehicle to qualify for a Lease Pull Ahead incentive?

A. The short answer is, it depends. Often times the Lease Pull Ahead incentive is just that, a cash incentive. As long as you currently have a lease that matures within a specific range of dates, you'll receive the predetermined cash incentive to use towards a new vehicle whether you turn your vehicle in or not.

Q. Does a Lease Pull Ahead incentive "stack" with other manufacturer incentives?

A. More often than not, a Lease Pull Ahead incentive will stack with other manufacturer incentives. However, there usually an exception or two to the rule, so make sure you check the manufacturers website for the terms and conditions of the Lease Pull Ahead program.

Q. If I take advantage of a Lease Pull Ahead, am I still responsible for excess wear or over mileage fees?

A. Yes. When you turn your vehicle in, you are still responsible for any excess wear and over mileage fees.